Date : 13th August 2008 (wednesday)
Venue : DK 7
So what exactly is RS catalogue? It's just basically a catalogue containing tonnes of engineering products ranging from the small electronics components to
The talk was mainly about the company, RS (I don't have the slightest idea of what does these two initials stand for actually....) , how to use the catalogue so that you can easily navigate through this thick book and find what you r searching for in a flash. Also they are offering a promotion for UTM students. I'll get to that later on. Just hold on tight and read this 1st article of mine till the end.
Next, they start talking about the main purpose of this talk. Behold, the catalogue.....This is the newest edition. It was claimed that those who attend this talk will get one of these (which is my main purpose coming to this talk actually). But sadly, due to weight they only bring 20 copies of these and I couldn't get my hands on one hence I couldn't tell you more than what they tell me in their talk about this book. It is fully coloured, got 5 ways on how to navigate it. You can navigate it by the company names, types of component, semiconductors index and so on. Its free actually.
The next one they introduce their website which is easier to navigate. Here's the address :
Now....the downside of placing orders from them is there's only one way to pay for your order. Bank in the money to their account. Which is troublesome. It would be wise for them to support credit cards or even paypal. But the good thing is there is no minimum order placement. Say if your order is only worth of RM0.10, not to worry. They will still deliver it. And they claim it will be in front of your doorstep not more than 7 working days.
Lastly, they give 10% off for UTM students on their products.
4 ulasan:
well....nice to know something about the RS least now i know where to find the website....its a pity though that they didnt bring enough FREE catalogues....i know many got pissed off...
mmg pn...=.=
especially kt presiden yg telah memberi janji palsu....hahaha...
ooooo laju je bl nk reply...anyway...its not the president who made the promises....its the RS company actually...En Abd Wahab ordered minimum of 50 catalogues.....and alsothey sort of PROMISED to send in more catalogues but somehow im not so SURE about that......
nay...sje je nk put the blame on someone i know..lalala~~~
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